I was born on September 5th 1953. I grew up in Yettem. My folks had the largest of the three grocery stores in town. I went to kindergarten at Cutler Elementary School. I attended Yettem Elementary School from 1st to 7th grade. After the 7th grade the schools unified into the Cutler Orosi Unified School District. I graduated 8th grade from Cutler Elementary. My freshman year in high school was at Orosi High. After my freshman year my folks bought a house in Visalia, and I started my sophomore year and graduated High School from Redwood. I attended College of Sequoias and graduated with an AA degree in Welding Technology.

I was approached by Sam Kutumian to work at George Zarounian’s used car lot on the corner of E Main and Ben Maddox in Visalia. I worked there for 5 years, then purchased an ornamental Iron shop called Iron Craft. While working at the car lot I got married and Lisa was born in 1982.

I owned the shop for 5 years in Visalia then moved the shop and residence to Tulare. While in Tulare Julie was born in 1986. I owned the shop for 36 years.

I met Susie in 2002 in Cape Cod at the Fourth of July Armenian music festival. I married Susie in 2005. Neither one of us wanted to uproot from out carriers and had a long distance marriage for 13 years.

I retired in 2018 from the shop and in 2019 Susie asked me to look at a condo that was for sale in her complex. It was a great buy and I encouraged her to purchase it. She said that she would if I would help her renovate it. I then moved to Long Beach.